Award-winning Latina author Anika Aldamuy Denise is a force. In a soft, confident sort of way. Of Puerto Rican and Italian heritage, and raised in Queens, NY, Anika is the author of 11 children’s ... READ the POST
Tips For Parents Raising Bilingual Children With A Disability
Are you raising a child with a disability bilingual? Whether your child has Down Syndrome or autistic, has a fluency disorder, or any other genetic condition, he can become ... READ the POST
Diverse Books List For Your Family and Local Library
How is your children’s summer reading going? When my kids were growing up, it was always tricky to get them to read during the summer. Especially since most summers were spent in Puerto Rico, ... READ the POST
Tips For Mom’s Mental Health by Sonia Smith Kang
Sonia Smith Kang is an amazing resource for parents raising multicultural children. Her company, Mixed-UpClothing, was founded ten years ago with the purpose of highlighting the beauty of cultures and ... READ the POST
Tips On Raising Bilinguals In Any Combination of Languages
It is not often that one gets to speak with a bilingual Latina living almost 7,000 miles away from the west coast. A thirteen-hour flight from LA to New Zealand. Yet, thanks to technology, we can be ... READ the POST
Natalia Simons, Author And Publisher of Bilingo Books
Most of us are trying to figure out our professional careers in our mid-twenties. Many start-up in one area and then move around to others before that “Aha” moment strikes, and they find their ... READ the POST