These days our resilience is being tested in more ways than one. In my talk with Dr.Lydiana Garcia, last week, we offer tips for parents to survive the next few weeks. Lydiana is a psychologist, podcast host and founder of The Beyond Resilience Life, a space that helps us remember to live our ultimate potential beyond limitations and adversities. Dr. Garcia suggests we go accept what is, even if we don’t like it. It really is out of our control. This is called Radical Acceptance. She also suggests we find ways to Go Inwards: create some
inner-reflection. Explore how your body is reacting to what is happening. Coping skills, daily activities, what makes you feel better.
8 Suggestions to Help Parents Stay Resilient
- Radical acceptance – we have no control, why fight it?
- Prioritize – what is important right now, what can I let go of?
- Lower expectations – let go off perfection.
- Focus on your mental health- go inward, reflect on how you are feeling physically,
mentally, emotionally. - Coping skills – Create some space for you and try to integrate 5-15 minutes of this during the day. For example, when cooking, focus on the smells, listen to music, practice mindfulness. Something you enjoy and create your boundaries with the kids. Or go to your car, listen to music, or go for a quick drive, meditate.
- Ask for help from your spouse – take turns taking time off
- For single parents – include the kids in coping skills – take a nature walk, play a game of scavenger hunt and take the kids on a walk around the neighborhood.
- BE GENTLE with yourselves – BE HUMAN- it is actually a good learning experience for kids to understand that mom and dad are not perfect!
What are you doing to keep resiliency going during this time?
En estos días en que nuestra relilencia está siendo comprometida, es importante tener
herramientas para lidiar con las incertidumbres. En mi charla con la Dr. Lydiana García ella nos
recomendó aceptación radical y reflexión.
Tips para padres para practicar la resiliencia
- Aceptación radical de lo que está pasando. No se puede cambiar y así podemos ser flexibles con la situación.
- Ojo con las prioridades – qué es lo realmente importante en éste momento. Que puedo dejar ir?
- Ojo con las expectativas – enfoque en lo que es importante y lo que necesita atención.
- Ojo con su salud mental- reflexione sobre cómo se siente fisicamente, emocionalemente, y mentalmente.
- Crea un espacio para ti – cocinar, enfocarse en los olores, dar una vuelta en carro, meditar, escuchar música. Por lo menos de 5-15 min diarios.
- Si es padre soltero, cree un espacio con los niños – salir a caminar, apreciar la naturaleza, enfocarse en el presente
- Pida ayuda a su cónjugue – tomen turnos para su espacio interior.
- Sea GENTIL consigo mismo – Sea HUMANO – es una buena lección que nuestros hijos aprendan que no somos perfectos y cometemos errores.
Que mantienes la resiliencia en éstos días?